It is unicellular animals
They are classified into four classes on the basic of the structures they possess for locomotion:
1-class sarcodina
-Entamoeba (lives in large intestine but is a dangerous endoparasitesince it feeds on the tissues and blood of its host-causing amoeba dysentery.
An order of the Sarcodina is of great importance in building the oozes which cover enormous areas of the floor of many seas. This order is the foraminifera
2- class Mastigophora
Includes 2 sub classes
1-Euglena: it is holophytic and it is able to live as a saprophyte.
2-Trypanosoma: it is zoomastigina.
3- Class Sporozoa
Protozoa reproduce by spore.
Liks:1- Monocystis
It causes malaria fever to man, transmitted from the patient to an uninfect
4- Class Ciliophora
These are the most specialized protozoa.
1Note that, while moving, rotates on itself Paramecium
In a spiral way and that on its ventral side there is an oral groove which leads inwards to the 2- Vorticella
General body form, bell-like with a stalk at the base.
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